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offerte di lavoro - Casale Corte Cerro, Piemonte

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Job Post Details

Helicopter Maintenance Ground Instructor

Line Up Aviation
Stelle: 3.8 su 5
Varese, Lombardia


Varese, Lombardia

Descrizione completa della posizione

My client is an Authorized Training Organization (ATO) approved by the Italian Authority in accordance with PART-FCL, which offers Theoretical Knowledge and Flying Training for ab-initio and experienced students.
It is also a Maintenance Training Organization (MTO) approved by the Italian Civil Aviation Authority in accordance with EASA Part 147, which offers Basic Training and Maintenance Type Training for the entire AgustaWestland Product Range.

Helicopter Ground Maintenance Instuctor NH90
Location: Sesto Calende, Italy
At least 1 Year Contract, From MO to FR

  • Delivering theoretical and practical training courses on NH90
  • Developing and updating of training material with company standards.
  • Updating examination question database
  • Back office activities related to the training courses

  • Hold B1 MAML ,and evidence last 2 years of practical maintenance experience or without licence and at least 10 years of experience in base maintenace on NH90
  • Excellent teaching/public speaker
  • Proficiency in English
  • Proficiency in Italian is a plus
  • Previuos experience as instructor
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