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17 annunci

Job Post Details

Clinical Application Specialist - job post

Angiodroid Srl
San Lazzaro di Savena, Emilia-Romagna
26.000 € - 36.000 € all'anno

Dettagli offerta di lavoro

Corrispondenza tra il tuo profilo e i dettagli dell'annuncio.


  • 26.000 € - 36.000 € all'anno

Tipo di contratto

  • Permanent


San Lazzaro di Savena, Emilia-Romagna

Estratto dalla descrizione completa della posizione

  • Auto aziendale
  • Computer aziendale
  • Convenzioni aziendali
  • Orario flessibile
  • Orario flessibile
  • Supporto allo sviluppo professionale

Descrizione completa della posizione


The Clinical Application Specialist (CAS) is the key responsible for product training and application support during clinical interventions on the field.

Angiodroid - The CO2 Injector is the automated and safe Carbon Dioxide (CO2) injector for peripheral angiography, so the CAS main job will be to work in close cooperation with endovascular specialists like interventional radiologists, vascular surgeons and interventional cardiologists all over the world, to support them in the usage of the injector directly during clinical procedures, with tasks of training and education divulgation concerning the CO2 angiography. Important mansion of the candidate will also be the assistance of the Sales Department designated to the supervision of a precise geographical area: the CAS cooperates with the Area Manager and with local distributor partners in planning product demonstrations, follow-up, training and events.

The CAS is furthermore responsible for technical servicing and assistance of the product, with also tasks of training for qualified personal and technicians working for hospitals or associated companies.


  • Drive Demo’s sessions according to the Executive Area Manager
  • Regularly follow-up the running centers as well as the existing installations, according to the Executive Area Manager
  • Assistance on the field for clinical procedures alongside with physicians and hospital staff
  • Product training of customers and business partners
  • Culture divulgator of Automated Carbon Dioxide Angiography principles
  • Support for the Executive Area Manager in the activities planning and execution
  • Possibility to attend national and international congresses
  • Technical servicing on the injectors located on the field and training for qualified personnel


  • Newly graduated / graduated with Master-Degree in scientific/medical fields: Medicine, Biomedical Engineering, Physics, Technician of Radiological Sciences, Nursing.
  • Fluent English and/or other languages
  • Pro-active, outgoing personality with excellent communication skills
  • Customer friendly and problem solving oriented, representative and responsible
  • Committed and showing initiative
  • Availability and flexibility for managing transfers (Italy and abroad)


The candidate shall spend the totality of their time on the field, supporting the Distributor’s personnel, making a balanced mix of all the activities better explained previously.

He/She/They will have the standard benefits:

- Company Car

- Sim Card

- Laptop

- End of the list refund

Contratto di lavoro: Tempo pieno, Tempo indeterminato, Tempo determinato

Retribuzione: €26.000,00 - €36.000,00 all'anno


  • Computer aziendale
  • Convenzioni aziendali
  • Supporto allo sviluppo professionale


  • Dal lunedì al venerdì
  • Orario flessibile

Retribuzione supplementare:

  • Premio di produzione
  • Tredicesima

Domande di preselezione:

  • Puoi trasferirti o raggiungere agevolmente San Lazzaro di Savena o Cesena, Emilia-Romagna per lavorare?


  • Laurea magistrale (o specialistica) (Preferenziale)


  • Clinical Application Specialist: 1 anno (Preferenziale)


  • Inglese (Obbligatorio)
  • italiano (Obbligatorio)
  • Tedesco (Preferenziale)
  • Spagnolo (Preferenziale)
  • Francese (Preferenziale)

Disponibilità a viaggiare:

  • 75% (Preferenziale)
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