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Offerte di lavoro developer - Lazio

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Job Post Details

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Experienced - Frontend Commerce Developer

Stelle: 3.9 su 5
Roma, Lazio
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Roma, Lazio

Descrizione completa della posizione

Job Specs

Job Name

Experienced - Frontend Commerce Developer


Milano, Napoli, Roma

Business Area




Business Function


What impact will you make?

Experienced – Front End React Commerce Developer

Do you have the desire to challenge yourself with complex implementations on Headless/Composable Commerce solutions for large internationally renowned companies, in various sectors (retail, fashion & luxury, travel, automotive, or manufacturing)? Would you like to be part of a close-knit team composed of functional experts, technical architects, and experienced Commerce developers with whom you can collaborate daily?
By joining our team, you will refine your skills and enhance your Web development abilities expand your knowledge of the eCommerce world, work on stimulating projects, and have the opportunity to interact with nationally and internationally relevant companies.
You will be part of the Commerce team within the Marketing & Commerce area of Deloitte Digital. We are a cohesive team, passionate about eCommerce and innovative technologies, accustomed to working in national, European, and international contexts.

Your Role

As a Consultant, you will have the opportunity to share your experience and knowledge with others colleagues and identify the best solution for the client, taking care of:

  • Working on the development of B2B eCommerce platforms in Agile, supporting all projects phases, form analysis to development, testing and deployment
  • Interacting with various team members (team leaders, technical architects, functional specialists, UX/UI experts, and other developers) to collaboratively complete project activities
  • Engaging with Client company representatives to gather their needs and support them in identifying the best solution

Winning Requirements
  • Experience of at least 2-3 years in consulting firms, system integration, or corporate environments and experience in Front End development of web applications using React and Next.js with Tailwind.css
  • Degree in Computer Science or a related field
  • Proficiency in React.js, its core principles and popular workflows.
  • Strong understanding of JavaScript, including ES6+ syntax and features and knowledge of front-end testing frameworks and tools (e.g., Jest).
  • Experience with decoupled architecture and headless CMS and familiarity with RESTful APIs and asynchronous request handling.

Make An Impact That Matters

Deloitte è un network leader nei servizi professionali alle imprese, presente in oltre 150 Paesi con 457 mila professionisti. Offriamo soluzioni innovative e sostenibili in Audit & Assurance, Consulting, Financial Advisory, Risk Advisory, Tax e Legal. Il nostro obiettivo è supportare le aziende nello sviluppo e nell'implementazione di strategie al passo con il mercato. In Deloitte la sostenibilità è un tema centrale. Per questo, attraverso le strategie e le progettualità legate alle tematiche Environmental, Social e Governance (ESG), ci impegniamo a promuovere una crescita responsabile, sostenibile e inclusiva per il Pianeta, le nostre persone e la società. Scopri di più sulle nostre strategie di Corporate Sustainability, tra cui Well-being, la strategia volta a migliorare il benessere fisico, mentale e sociale delle nostre persone, affinché siano felici e piene di energia in tutti gli ambiti della loro vita e WorldClimate, la strategia globale di Deloitte per diventare un’organizzazione Net Zero e per guidare scelte responsabili all’interno e all’esterno dell’organizzazione.

Sei pront* a #MakeAnImpactThatMatter insieme? Candidati ora!

Le persone interessate possono inviare la propria candidatura con autorizzazione ai sensi del dlgs. 196/2003. La ricerca rispetta il d.lgs. 198/2006, il D.lgs. 215/03 e il D.lgs. 216/03 ed è aperta a candidat* di qualsiasi orientamento o espressione di genere, orientamento sessuale, età, etnia e credo religioso. Il presente annuncio è stato ideato nel rispetto della diversity e dell’inclusività.
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