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Offerte di lavoro per laravel

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Job Post Details

Full Stack Developer Junior

28100 Novara
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Tipo di contratto

  • Tempo pieno


28100 Novara

Descrizione completa della posizione

We are currently seeking a Full Stack Developer Junior to join our team of 30+ team on a full-time permanent basis start work immediately on a series of really exciting and challenging projects.

Job Description

  • 2+ years experience coding PHP with Laravel
  • 1+ years experience with Node
  • A good core understanding of modern HTML, JavaScript, and CSS
  • Knowledge of WebSocket technology
  • Knowledge of SOAP/REST API programming
  • The ability to learn additional programming languages
  • Confidence and excitement to work with new and cutting edge libraries across the front and back end disciplines
  • The ability to communicate via English clearly, politely, and professionally in person, on the phone, and over email with people of different cultures and backgrounds
  • A strong work ethic and attitude with a willingness to “do what’s required” on a project and for the customer at all times

General Tasks Include

  • New feature development
  • Managing and maintaining additional legacy PHP applications
  • Database Manipulation and Administration
  • Bug fixing
  • Prototyping solutions to aid quotations
  • Customer support
  • Testing

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